Event Description

CAPC (Community Action Program for Children) offers families an opportunity to enhance skills in the areas of healthy eating, physical and emotional health, child development, and injury prevention awareness. This program offers great networking and interactive opportunity with other parents and caregivers to exchange parenting knowledge and share ideas.

 CAPC virtual program offers:

  • Support for families to enhance skills in the topic of Eating Well for Less
  • Opportunities to learn valuable tips on purchasing healthy food while saving time and money when shopping
  • Budgeting strategies and healthy meal ideas
  • Insightful conversations on the journey to healthier eating, balance stress, learn about the general safety of household hazards, and
  • Participants will be given free grocery gift cards, while supplies last.

How To Join

To participate, please use the link below to join our program room on WebEx.
Our programs are available for anyone to join and participate in so please share the good news!

Hope to see you online:  Click on link below.

EarlyOn Centre WebEx Link